• 20.02.20, 11:24

Construction Software Fizure Releases Productivity Tools for Budget Management

Fizure, an Estonian startup that helps general contractors manage budgets of large-scale projects, announced the release of email productivity tools.
  • fizure.com
The company released an integration with Microsoft Outlook and an extension with Chrome Web Browser for web-based email clients such as Gmail and Yahoo. The integrations will significantly simplify the work of project managers who have hundreds of documents to deal with per project.
“These integrations are a vital addition to any project manager’s toolkit who needs to deal with a lot of documents,” said Andres Kuuse, CEO of Fizure. He added: “The only way to avoid budget overruns, whether in construction or IT, is to make sure all the documents are connected to the budget and not getting lost in the inbox or lying around somewhere in separate folders, gathering dust.”
According to a study done at Stanford, productivity in the construction sector has stayed roughly the same for the past 50 years. It’s one of the most conservative sectors where innovations seldom happen.
Tarvi Jürimaa, a project manager at a leading Estonian construction company Hausers, says: “I used to print out all the invoices and put them to physical folders. I now keep them all in the same place in Fizure. It allows me to forecast project budgets in real time and ensures the related documents are instantly findable. It’s a big step forward in budget management.”
The new integrations are available in the Microsoft Outlook Marketplace and Chrome Web Store.
Fizure is an Estonian startup founded in 2017. It produces cloud-based software for managing large-scale projects in construction, IT and other sectors. The features include budget management, forecasting, cash flow management, and subcontractor billing. The company has customers from Europe, USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.
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  • 29.01.25, 16:03
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