Autor: foundME • 21. veebruar 2020

Investors Have a Taste for Lahhentagge

Lahhentagge team and co-founders (in the middle) journalist and co-founder of CoFounder magazine Tarmo Virki and Maarit Pöör.
Foto: Lahhentagge
Lahhentagge – a distillery from Saaremaa co-founded by journalist and author of the first pan-European startup magazine Tarmo Virki is known for its craft gin and tonic and is now exporting its products to seven countries abroad.

Growing demand from export markets and the fact that Lahhentagge recently became one of the few distilleries in the world to produce non-alcoholic gin, motivated the distillery to launch a crowdfunding campaign. The goal was to collect a minimum investment of € 100,000. It sure looks like investors have a taste for Lahhentagge as the goal was reached in merely two days.

Estonian first small producer of craft gin, known for distilling Christmas trees into tonic, has enjoyed great success - Lahhentagge products are served in several top European bars and the islanders have also made their debut at Bon Marche’s Grande Epicerie – one of the world’s legendary grocery stores in Paris. Meanwhile, Lahhentagge has grown to become Estonia's largest producer of craft tonic and more recently - the first local distillery to launch a non-alcoholic gin called Flaneur.

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“The purpose of the crowdfunding campaign is to enhance our exports and building a network of 1,300 sales points in Estonia and selected European countries. We also want to expand our product range and, of course - hire people who would help us grow,” said Maarit Pöör, CEO of Lahhentagge.

According to Henri Laupmaa, CEO of Fundwise, Lahhentagge is the third crowdfunding campaign with such a remarkable success on the Fundwise platform - "Only Pühaste and Nudist have previously reached their crowdfunding goals in such a short time," Laupmaa added. The fan base of Lahhentagge played a significant role in the success as they got an exclusive opportunity to invest even before the campaign went public. Among others a seasoned investor Lauri Isotamm invested into the distillery claiming that in his 20 years of experience, no investment has tasted better than Lahhentagge.

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