• 26.03.20, 17:50

Offsite Meeting Platform MySpotit Combines Tourist Facilities With Remote Workspaces

Estonian startup MySpotit, which earlier this year raised € 100,000, is adding individual remote workspaces to its platform to help ease the stress of working from home.
Photo is illustrative.
  • Photo is illustrative. Foto: Andras Kralla
MySpotit co-founder Hardi Kinnas said the crisis has created a demand for isolated remote workspaces: “People take the Health Board's recommendations for social distance seriously, but companies are struggling to survive and must find new creative ways to continue working. For example, families with young children can find it very difficult to do work that requires concentration at home. There is a need for space that encourages quiet concentration but at the same time allows you to isolate yourself and stay healthy.”
“With the tourism sector currently on pause, hotel rooms, conference rooms, and short-term rental apartments are empty. MySpotit's new service brings together a demand for customized working space and supply for vacant spaces. We want to help ensure that people are efficient in their work and that the spaces abandoned by tourists continue to be profitable for their owners,” Kinnas explained.
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Hardi Kinnas is convinced that the experience of the crisis will permanently change the way we work: “Companies have already become more efficient. On the one hand, the crisis gives confidence that remote working can be effective and that running large offices may not make sense for all businesses. Some of the tasks that require or create concentration can be solved faster if people don't work together in a large office building. At the same time, it is understood that working from home does not provide the necessary long-term results and keep the company efficient.”
"The range of individual remote workplaces includes spacious, well-ventilated, well-connected internet and in each case thoroughly disinfected," said Kinnas, who is closely following MySpotit's safety requirements for the COVID-19 virus.
MySpotit is a smart offsite meeting platform created in 2018 with over 200 clients, the most known of which are Transferwise, Veriff, Bolt, Pipedrive, Helmes, Eesti Energia, Elisa, and Telia.
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