• 29.05.20, 15:56

App brings Estonians and e-Residents together

Estonian e-Residents International Chamber Association (EERICA) brings Estonians and e-Residents together via app RUNO.
This Sunday RUNO app bring Estonians and e-Residents together.
  • This Sunday RUNO app bring Estonians and e-Residents together. Foto: Pixabay
This Sunday is RUNO Sõbrapäev - RUNO is an app that creates random individual connections between Estonians and e-Residents - first as text chat and if wanted an audio or even video call can be established directly through the app.
The idea originated at the Digital Nation Hackathon that took place on Vormsi island in 2019. “Over the last couple of years we have seen a huge mutual curiosity on both sides. e-Residents want to know more and more about Estonia. And Estonians finally want to get to know some of ‘these’ e-Residents. Now there is an app for that,” said Christoph Huebner, president of the Estonian e-Residents International Chamber Association (EERICA).
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Martin Nørgaard Gregersen, e-Resident from Denmark and head developer of the app added: “We wanted to build a tool through which interested people from both groups can easily make contact in a safe environment. So the sign-up works through SmartID and MobileID. This helps to keep the platform safe and trusted. The contact information between individual users will only be exchanged after a conversation on mutual consent.”
RUNO Sõbrapäev will mainly happen in two time windows this coming Sunday: 9:00 - 11:00 and 17:00 - 19:00 Estonian Time. This allows e-Residents from around the globe to take part as well.
Over the last couple of years we have seen a huge mutual curiosity on both sides. e-Residents want to know more and more about Estonia. And Estonians finally want to get to know some of ‘these’ e-Residents.
Christoph Huebner
president of the EERICA
EERICA is a non-profit organisation that unites e-resident entrepreneurs across the world who own an Estonian company. EERICA helps them to independently represent their interests and to do more business with Estonia and with each other. EERICA was launched on May 15, 2019 during the Latitude59 conference in Tallinn and as of today has more than 200 active members.
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