• 07.01.21, 12:42

Company registration documents - 1DOX CorpDocs

Estonia is an e-state where we use web-based administration. Unfortunately, for foreign entities, documents of Estonian companies are also required on paper - in English and certified with an apostille. Now there is a convenient solution - the business registry document ordering portal 1DOX - CorpDocs.
Company registration documents - 1DOX CorpDocs
The CorpDocs service allows you to quickly and easily order certified English language documents of Estonian companies:
•Registry cards
•Articles of Association
•Proof of tax residence
•Last annual report submitted

Order in minutes, papers delivered in days

The CorpDocs service frees the customer from communication with interpreters, notaries, the tax office, and the courier company. Everything you need is available in one place, and it only takes a few minutes to place an order.
The service is made really convenient by the possibility to order worldwide delivery of documents by courier or post. If a foreign business partner or financial institution requires certified commercial register documents, the order can often be fulfilled, and the documents delivered within a few days to a week. Only a translation of the articles of association and a proof of tax residence can take more time.
The CorpDocs service is a so-called “everyone’s” service because everyone has the right to order public register documents of any Estonian company. Now it’s all easy and fast!

Fast service and, if necessary, personal support

All completed documents are always immediately available in electronic form and can be conveniently viewed in a suitably designed view. In addition, it is definitely important for many to know that every order has personal customer support in the form of a person who answers all the questions that arise. There is no need or fear that you will have to interact with a robot. All special requests can be added to the comments box when ordering. For example, if you need to order a document that is not on the list (such as an activity license) or translate documents into a language other than English, this is also possible.
The homepage of the service can be found here https://1dox.site/services/corpdocs/
In addition to the CorpDocs service, customers also have convenient opportunities to submit annual reports of relatively inactive companies or to liquidate an unnecessary company.

1DOX Liquidation - company liquidation portal

If your business has not been operating and you feel its existence has become a burden, we only need 10 minutes of commitment and a modest fee. If there are no obstacles, you will be free in about a week! The 1DOX team will be responsible for liquidation lasting more than eight months.
Service home page: https://1dox.site/services/liquidation/

1DOX Report - annual reports portal

For an inactive business, you can get a report with minimum effort and time required, which is likely to be within 10 minutes. If the company has been in business, you will receive a quote after uploading the accounting documents.
Service home page: https://1dox.site/services/reports/
1DOX is a digital environment through which experienced business consultants and accountants can provide their services in a time- and cost-effective manner.
1DOX Digital OÜ
Kaarli puiestee 1, Tallinn
+372 60 77 777, [email protected]

Seotud lood

  • ST
  • 26.01.24, 15:49
Uus Eesti tehnoloogia lubab vähendada Tallinnas 15 Lauluväljaku jagu parkimiskohti
Mainor Ülemiste AS ja Europark käivitasid Ülemiste City’s uudse tehnoloogiaga parkimislahenduse, mis kärbib tühjade parkimiskohtade arvu 30% ning säästab sellega nii linnaruumi, elanike tervist kui raha. Europarki juhi sõnul saab süsteemi laiendada kogu Tallinnale.

Hetkel kuum

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Telli uudiskiri ning saad oma postkasti päeva olulisemad uudised.

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