• 12.04.21, 00:00

CorpAssist - minutes of the general meeting to the commercial register in just a few minutes!

Every year, almost 150,000 resolutions of the general meeting of companies are submitted to the commercial register, many of which have errors in formalities. Defective documents unnecessarily burden both the commercial register and businesses.
CorpAssist - minutes of the general meeting to the commercial register in just a few minutes!
Last summer, the Center of Registers and Information Systems took the initiative to create a platform for general meetings (link) to help entrepreneurs. The idea was seized by 1DOX Digital OÜ, which developed CorpAssist, a unique assistant for changes to the commercial register.
The idea of creating of CorpAssist was based on the assumption that at least 95% of the texts of the minutes of the general meeting required for changes in the commercial register can be generated automatically. Compliance with formalities can largely be left to the computer, freeing businesses from having to go over the law with a fine comb on technical issues.
The service allows generating bilingual minutes, if necessary. In addition to the Estonian language minutes, an English translation can also be generated if desired. The draft meeting and articles of association can be reviewed before signing and, if necessary, edited manually.
The CorpAssist service has an integrated online digital signing module, which allows you to see the document to be signed at the same time as the signing. To access the document, a link provided by the author by e-mail is sufficient. If necessary, it is possible to restrict access to the document to selected persons only.
The prepared minutes can be signed with an Estonian ID card, Mobile ID, and Smart-ID.
As additional services, it is also possible to choose the transmission of data and documents to the commercial register and the payment of a state fee. The latter is aimed primarily at e-residents, as payment of the state fee, presupposes the existence of an Estonian bank account.
Currently, the developer also offers the possibility to use a free trial version, the functionality of which is largely equivalent to the full version. The main difference between the test version is the age of the data used, which may be delayed, and changes in the recent commercial register may not be reflected in the source data.

CorpAssist - minutes of the general meeting to the commercial register in just a few minutes!Using the CorpAssist service consists of six steps:

I Identification
II Company selection for which you want to prepare the minutes of the general meeting
III Determination of the content and language of the minutes
IV Entering the data of the minutes
V Approval or, if necessary, amendment of the draft minutes
VI Signature
If necessary, the report can also be prepared by a company advisor or another person not directly involved. Currently, the service is only available to private companies, but it is planned to extend it to other companies as well.
Read more: https://1dox.site/services/digimom/
See also other services:
CorpDocs- Estonian company documents in English, worldwide delivery
CorpLiquidation - Private limited company liquidation portal
CorpReport - Annual reports portal

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