• 08.04.20, 16:38

Viveo Health To Digitally Restart Healthcare Worldwide

Drastic times require fast action. After securing € 2 million in funding earlier this year, Viveo Health has approached governments around the world and is now offering its telemedicine platform for free.
Viveo doctor Kert Kalev.
  • Viveo doctor Kert Kalev.
The platform will enable many doctors, even the ones who are retired, to start working again and do it securely while physically distancing themselves from their patients.
Since the world was struck by a global disaster and healthcare in many countries was reduced to the level of emergency care and vital procedures, the company began receiving requests from all over the world, like Australia, South Africa, and UAE to Moldova and Brazil. The company now invites all doctors, especially family doctors everywhere in the world, to join the platform and invite their patients to reach out to them in a fast and secure way.
Viveo Health was founded in 2017 by seasoned entrepreneur Raul Källo who is now looking to make Estonia the frontrunner in telemedicine. In the post-COVID world, Raul aims to make healthcare more personalized, consumer-centric and simplified. “Viveo is like Netflix for healthcare as our end-users subscribe to the service with a small monthly fee and can access it at any time,” said Källo. The platform allows doctors of different ages to have flexible working hours and be efficient. As an example, a similar Chinese company Ping An Good Doctor today services a record 250 million people while employing only 1000 doctors.
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Raul Källo, CEO of Viveo Health.
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Viveo telemedicine platform has already over a thousand end-users as well as hundreds of enterprise clients who provide Viveo as part of the benefits package for their employees. Its platform complies with GDPR, HIPAA as well as PCI DSS 3.2 and takes pride in its authentication feature, which guarantees secure doctor-patient consultations in the growing digital world.
"Estonia is the first truly digital society and in this crisis, we are turning our eyes to technology and the startup sector. Making health care more digital is definitely one stream we will see evolving as the result of the crisis. The shift from physical consultations to telemedicine will not only save people's lives but thanks to increased efficiency also save time and resources that can be used elsewhere," added Mrs. Kersti Kaljulaid, the President of Estonia.
While developing the platform, Viveo combined Estonia’s e-Health system with novel telemedicine features making sure that the communication between the doctor and the patient over the authenticated connection is secure. Viveo's doctors also issue digital prescriptions to their contractual clients and refer them to specialists while Viveo’s staff members can book these specialist doctor appointments for their patients. Thanks to the integration with X-Road and e-Health, all of the required entries are also made in the patient's personal health record.
Viveo Health provides a secure digital environment for doctors working remotely. Through the platform they can authenticate the patients and chat, call or have video calls with them about their concerns securely. The platform also provides an easy to follow calendar view and notes can be easily saved in the patients’ health registry. The platform also allows exporting patient EMR and onboarding a medical team to help with patients.
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Mainor Ülemiste AS ja Europark käivitasid Ülemiste City’s uudse tehnoloogiaga parkimislahenduse, mis kärbib tühjade parkimiskohtade arvu 30% ning säästab sellega nii linnaruumi, elanike tervist kui raha. Europarki juhi sõnul saab süsteemi laiendada kogu Tallinnale.

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